Marcello Bellini srl
Marcello Bellini srl
Marcello Bellini srl
Marcello Bellini srl
AmminoFruit Bio
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AmminoFriut BIO June 2021 part II
AmminoFriut BIO 2021 June part I
Amminofruit Bio usage spring 2021 part II
Amminofruit Bio usage spring 2021 part I
Carano June 4 part I

Amminofruit Bio usage spring 2021, 10 liters per leaves hectare after the last frost, during the vegetative awakening 3 usages for fertigation of 20 liters per hectare.
In 2020, during the fruit growth phase, compared with other amino acids at the same cost, with Amminofruit Bio we obtained more brix + color + dry matter
Alfonso Nocera
Remo Carturan
Az. Agr. Carturan Remo
Alberto Di Meo
Carano June 4 part II
part II of last video
Giovanni Parcesepe
di Az. Agr. Parcesepe Giovanni
William-Jan Coolbergen

La Rocca Leone
Az. Agr. La Rocca Leone
Az. Agr. Di Meo Alberto
Marcello Bellini srl Strada Zì Maria 297 - 04100 Latina (LT)
Tel. 0773-86058 Cel. 335 8124017
e-mail marcello@marcellobellini.com
P. IVA/CF 03009240593 CCIAA  LT216842

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